2020 Term 3 Koans Online Zen Group Roshi Susan Murphy Talks Teachers

‘The beautiful heart of peace: Where shall we find it?’

Because there is no me
and because I feel
how much there is no me.

Anna Swir: ‘Double Rapture’

Talk #4 from Term 3 of our Online Zen Group for 2020. Click here for other talks in this series.

Teacher: Roshi Susan Murphy
25 October 2020

Click on the recording below to listen to this talk now. We will upload a transcription when it becomes available. ()

zen open circle · The heart of peace: Where shall we look for it?
Miscellaneous Video


As we celebrate Thich Nhat Hanh’s 94th birthday this weekend, here is a short teaching from 2014 on how we might more deeply understand birth, death, and transformation… ()

2020 Term 3 Koans Online Zen Group Roshi Susan Murphy Sensei Kynan Sutherland Social Action Talks Teachers

‘Where can we meet after death?’

‘In the orchard of spring
There is neither long nor short
The heavily flowering branches grow,
Each according to its length.’

Talk #3 from Term 3 of our Online Zen Group for 2020. Click here for other talks in this series.

Teacher: Roshi Susan Murphy
Response: Sensei Kynan Sutherland
11 October 2020

Dedicated to Thich Nhat Hanh

True friendship transcends intimacy and alienation.
Between meeting and not meeting there is no difference.
On the old plum tree, fully blossomed,
Southern branch owns the whole spring!
Northern branch owns the whole spring!

Nyogen Sensaki

Click on the recording below to listen to this talk now. We will upload a transcription when it becomes available. ()

Questioner: Where can we meet after death?
Thich Nhat Hanh: We shall always be meeting, at the beautiful heart of peace.

zen open circle · Where can we meet after death?
2020 Term 2 Black Lives Matter Covid-19 Eco-Dharma Online Zen Group Roshi Susan Murphy Sand Talk Talks Teachers

‘Guilty as charged’

Talk #6 from Term 2 of our Online Zen Group for 2020. Click here for other talks in this series.

Teacher: Roshi Susan Murphy
23 August 2020

Click on the recording below to listen to this talk now. We will upload a transcription when it becomes available. ()

zen open circle · Guilty as charged