2021 Term 2 Koans Online Zen Group Roshi Susan Murphy Talks Teachers

‘The Way – though stepped upon it does not anger’

Teisho #2 from Term 2 of Taking Part in the Gathering 2021. Click here to listen to other talks from this event.

Teacher: Roshi Susan Murphy with comment by Sensei Kynan Sutherland
27 June 2021

zen open circle · The Way – though stepped upon it does not anger
Koans Roshi Susan Murphy Talks Teachers

‘Who me?’

Teisho #1 from our Spring Sesshin 2020. Click here to listen to other talks from this event.

Sitting over words
very late I have heard a kind of whispered sighing
not far
like a night wind in pines or like the sea in the dark
the echo of everything that has ever
been spoken
still spinning its one syllable
between the earth and silence

M.S. Merwin – Utterance.

Teacher: Roshi Susan Murphy
3 October 2020

Click on the recording below to listen to this talk now. We will upload a transcription when it becomes available. ()

zen open circle · Teisho 1: Who me?
2020 Term 3 Koans Online Zen Group Roshi Susan Murphy Talks Teachers

‘The beautiful heart of peace: Where shall we find it?’

Because there is no me
and because I feel
how much there is no me.

Anna Swir: ‘Double Rapture’

Talk #4 from Term 3 of our Online Zen Group for 2020. Click here for other talks in this series.

Teacher: Roshi Susan Murphy
25 October 2020

Click on the recording below to listen to this talk now. We will upload a transcription when it becomes available. ()

zen open circle · The heart of peace: Where shall we look for it?