Recent Discussion

This page displays the 20 most recent comments that have been made. Follow the article links to join the discussion…

  1. Exciting – bravo to you both for being first up with talks – looking forward very much to hearing them

  2. Oh, the time spiral post is from Maxine. Beautiful, Maxine. 🙂 And look forward to your talk on the terrible…

  3. Beautiful, Ines. Thank you. One of my greatest teachers was my father. He began to teach me about my small…

  4. Mmmm yes, I also feel this is a huge foundational Teisho, layered yet simple… splinters of the sky, out of…

  5. Well, in my short time of association with Zen Open Circle, this is the most profoundly, rich teisho that I…

  6. It’s a great question Deborah…greed? An unwillingness to truly sit with our own pain? Thank you to Kynan who put…

  7. A deep bow of thanks, Oonagh, for posting the article on the invention of whiteness. It really invites us all…

  8. Thanks Deborah, our Roshi put this forward so our thanks go to Susan. I also found his ideas on our…

  9. Dear Oonagh, Thank you for posting this very thought provoking address by Michael Shawn-Fletcher. He offers me a new way…

  10. Thanks Karen, me too…continually floored by the privilege i’m wired with () Oonagh

  11. Dear Oonagh, thank you very much for sharing these jewels and for your commitment to this role. I learn and…

  12. A good prayer to start the day. Perfect for our times… all times. ()

  13. Beautiful. I’m sorry to have missed it….especially all the participant input. Thank you both. The ‘Grain of Sand’ koan reminds…