Dawn Dojo Koans Roshi Susan Murphy Sensei Kynan Sutherland Talks Teachers

Dawn Dojo #4: It’s Alive | Song of Zazen

Talks from our fourth fullmoon gathering of the Dawn Dojo.

Talks from our 4th fullmoon gathering of the Dawn Dojo. Click here for other talks in this series.

Teachers: Roshi Susan Murphy (Part 1) & Kynan Sutherland (Part 2)
6am | 4th August 2020

In this talk our teachers both mention Hakuin’s ‘Song of Zazen’. You can read the full text of the Song of Zazen here.

Click on the recordings below to listen to the talks from this gathering. We will upload a transcription when it becomes available. ()

zen open circle · Dawn Dojo #4: It's Alive
zen open circle · Dawn Dojo #4: The Dawn Chorus

1 reply on “Dawn Dojo #4: It’s Alive | Song of Zazen”

Such greatness in the setting moon that rimmed moonlight around my back door frame light neon white
its alive nothing else
moon sets behind a pile of uprooted pine

Deep Gasho to Dawn Dojo

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