Dawn Dojo Koans Roshi Susan Murphy Sensei Kynan Sutherland Talks Teachers

Dawn Dojo #3: Genjokoan

Talks from our third fullmoon gathering of the Dawn Dojo.

Talks from our 3rd fullmoon gathering of the Dawn Dojo.

Teachers: Roshi Susan Murphy (Part 1 & 2) & Kynan Sutherland (Part 2)
6am | 5th July 2020

Click here for other talks in this series.

In this talk our teachers take up Dogen’s text: The Genjokoan. You can download a copy of the full text here to read.

Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and great, the moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in dewdrops on the grass, or even in one drop of water.

Enlightenment does not divide you, just as the moon does not break the water. You cannot hinder enlightenment, just as a drop of water does not hinder the moon in the sky.

The depth of the drop is the height of the moon. Each reflection, however long or short its duration, manifests the vastness of the dewdrop, and realizes the limitlessness of the moonlight in the sky.

Dogen Zenji – Genjokoan

Click on the recordings below to listen to the talks from this gathering. We will upload a transcription when it becomes available. ()

zen open circle · Dawn Dojo #3: Genjo Koan (Part 1)
zen open circle · Dawn Dojo #3: Genjokoan (Part 2)